Data Scientist | Math Enthusiast | Amateur Cross-Stitcher

Being a longtime lover of math and a teacher for three years, I found myself inspired by the work my students were doing in the classroom and curious about pushing the boundaries of data. Coupling my mathematical background with my newly developed data science skills, I hope to bring positive change to the world using data.

Data Science Projects & Analytics

Check out what I'm building!

NYC 311 Service Requests

Estimated wait times for 311 service requests and built interactive applet
NYC 311 Service Request Wait Times

Mapping Power Outages Using Social Media

Mapped power outages using scraped tweets and built interactive Bokeh map
Using Social Media to Map Power Outages

Subreddit Classification Using NLP

Used NLP to classify scraped Reddit posts to the proper subreddit
Subreddit Classification Using NLP and Web APIs


Come along on my data science journey!

Using Data for Good

What does being a data scientist look like to me? Learn what inspires me and how I intend to impact the world using data.

My Latest Project

After my three month Data Science bootcamp was complete, I was left to think, “What’s next?” What was important enough to me to commit my first post-course project to? Take a look at my initial thoughts and findings on healthcare through the National Health Interview Survey.

The Road to Data Science

Learn about my journey to becoming a data scientist and my longtime love of math that can still be seen in my work today.

Contact Me

Interested in connecting? Find me at one of the links below.